Books, Plays and Film


Door Prize

In Door Prize, a proper Midwestern mother (Beth Grant) and a trans, two-spirit, butch, boi lesbian become unlikely confidants while waiting for the loo. A restaurant. A necktie.  A line at the Ladies Room. Peeing should never be so problematic. The film premiered at LA's Outfest and screened as an official selection at more than 125 LGBTQ film festivals around the world. Door Prize was employed nationally by The Anti-Defamation League (ADL)  to promote the full equality and inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, and by the Boston-based Keshet, which trains and supports Jewish educators, clergy, program staff, youth and lay leaders to ensure that LGBTQ youth, families, and staff are safe and affirmed in all Jewish educational and community settings.
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